Topik Utama

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Short, short short shorts.

"These two girls sitting in front of me at the eatery... their skirt is so short, I know the exact color of the knickers."
Said a pal one day in his status post. Well, uh, that wasn't the first I've read this. A months back I got the exact same post from a girl, yes, a girl. And she even went as far as calling her a slut. Whoa horsie, that's harsh!
This got me reminded of that mayor somewhere in Indonesia who ruled that short skirts are a no-no because it increases sexual attacks. And of course, it got so much criticism--that a group of short-skirters made a demo to disagree with him! 

Well, when it comes to ruling about the dress code, I got nothing much to say religion-wise (any religion for that matter). What's written there, is there--enough. But it's just that--I kinda feel that alhough with somewhat liberal policy, we still need to dress ethically.

Now don't go around looking at my baju kurung and scarf accusing me of imposing a serbanistas belief--no, it's just that I do feel that slight uneasiness when I see people in really short-shorts. Or skinny tights with small tshirt that look like you wore your pantyhose and forgot your pants. Or shirts with super low-cut neckline. 

I mean, don't you?

Everyone has their "dress limit", either as conservative as an old Mullah or as liberal as an American. I mean, the aforementioned girl who called the short-skirt girl a slut -- well, she wears skirts too you know.

To me, it's the short-shorts that can see your undies.

For me dressing ethically means dressing that would not make everyone around you uncomfortable. Which also means dressing up, or down for the occasion. And dresssing skanky is never a synonym for dressing sexy. You could still be sexy even without dressing sexy, no?

Think about it.


p.s. no pictures.

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